
>In Vitro Scandal and Miracle Remembered

>The story about the resignation of the cloning Korean Veterinarian, Dr. Hwang led me to google the scandal at the fertility clinic at University of California at Irvine that had caused Hwang’s American associate, Gerald Schatten, trouble. There aren’t as many stories as I thought I would find.

Here’s some links
The miracle baby born 13 years after being frozen

A very sad story about a couple who never had children, but who may have two daughters “out there.”

Early stories about the scandal – from 1995.

A very long article that covers all sorts of IVF and surrogacy scandals and mentions that the UCIrvine doc fled the country.

Actually 2 of the docs fled, and here’s the story of the arrest of one.

About bnuckols

Conservative Christian Family Doctor, promoting conservative news and views. (Hot Air under the right wing!)


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